Saturday, January 12, 2013

I will be attempting to upload some tutorials I've made very soon!
Please bookmark me and check back often, as I'll be updating quicker once I figure this blog-thang out ;-)

Friday, January 4, 2013


Welcome to Gipse's Caravan!!

I'm glad you found your way here :-)
I will be posting some tutorials I will be making,
as well as showing off some great tuts that I have found.
I wish to give a very special thanks Brenda of Ditz Bitz for allowing me
the chance to do tutorials for her!!
This is a totally **new** adventure for me,
and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I will!!
Are you ready for the ride????
Then hop on board, and stay tuned for some goodies to be headed your way! :-)
I wish to thank Lori, Alex, Karen, Sal, Malinda, Daiva
Randy, and all my online friends for believing in me all these years,
and giving me the courage to continue even when I've felt like giving up!
I love you all very very much!!